Why Wine Causes Headaches: Common Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Why Wine Causes Headaches: Common Triggers and How to Avoid Them

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Wine is enjoyed by many, but for some, it can lead to unpleasant headaches. Here’s a look at common triggers and tips to help you avoid them.

Common Triggers

1. Histamines:
Found mostly in red wines, histamines can cause headaches, especially for those with histamine intolerance.

2. Sulfites:
Used as preservatives, sulfites can trigger headaches in sensitive individuals, particularly those with asthma.

3. Tannins:
These compounds, present in grape skins and seeds, can cause headaches by affecting serotonin levels.

4. Alcohol Content:
High alcohol content can dilate blood vessels, leading to headaches.

5. Dehydration:
Wine can dehydrate, contributing to headaches.

6. Congeners:
Byproducts of fermentation, congeners are higher in darker wines and can cause headaches.

How to Avoid Wine-Induced Headaches

1. Choose Low-Histamine Wines:
Opt for white wines or low-histamine reds to reduce histamine exposure.

2. Select Sulfite-Free Wines:
Look for wines labeled as “sulfite-free” or “low-sulfite.”

3. Drink Moderately:
Limit consumption to avoid excessive alcohol intake.

4. Stay Hydrated:
Drink plenty of water to counteract dehydration.

5. Opt for Lighter Wines:
Choose lighter reds or whites to avoid high tannin levels.

6. Eat While Drinking:
Eating can help slow alcohol absorption and reduce headaches.

Understanding these triggers and how to manage them can enhance your wine enjoyment and help you avoid headaches. For a selection of quality wines that may be easier on your system, check out our wine store. Discover wines that suit your preferences and enjoy your wine experience without the discomfort. Cheers!